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Open Frontiers

The World Audiences Summit 2024 in review

180 leaders from thirty countries across the world made their way to Miami for the World Audiences Summit 2024 to explore the next open frontiers in media measurement.

Across the three-day event, we heard from leaders across the media and advertising ecosystem as we navigate the headwinds and embrace collaboration to chart a course to continued growth, unlocking value through cross-platform and cross-media audience measurement.

  • Wind in the sails for cross-media: we heard about the progress of Origin in the UK and the ANA Aquila initiatives which are progressing aligned to the WFA’s North Star to deliver cross-media measurement solutions.
  • The power of partnership: there is strong momentum across the ecosystem to collaborate towards common objectives of delivering cross-platform measurement solutions – with rallying calls from platforms, advertisers and agencies to build on the strong progress underway.
  • Global measurement showcase: we heard a variety of case studies showing real examples where cross-platform data is unlocking value for broadcasters and advertisers in markets such as The Netherlands, Canada and Colombia.
  • Keep the consumer at the centre: shape your strategy by first understanding prevailing consumer attitudes, choices and behaviours – speakers at this year’s Summit reflected on the renewed focus on loyalty and retention in an increasingly competitive landscape.
  • With that in mind… ensure your measurement approach is people-centric: we heard about the value of panels as the connective tissue in measurement approaches, focussing on the people-based insights beyond the devices they use.